Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Happy 3rd B-day

Michael Anthony celebrated his 3rd B-day together with his daddy, who turned 36. He had lots of fun with the guests, was well behaved, and was in a very good mood. He actually got caught on video singing happy b-day. :)

Monday, March 20, 2006

Michael at Walmart

Little Michael has learned some new phrases whenever we visit toy-sections of stores especially the dreaded SuperWalmart in Palmdale. Here's how he looks as he usually asks: "Wanna buy? Wanna buy toys? Let's get this? Please mommy, wanna buy?" He's been into cars and he plays so nice with them so we've indulged his love for car toys with a growing collection of Hot Wheels and other little cars...

Sunday, March 12, 2006

We're Back Home

The round trip was more than 600 miles and Michael Anthony was mostly quite well behaved. He fell asleep amazingly quick at the hotel, which made the prospectives of visiting other towns and sleeping at other hotels a more realistic goal.
We've stayed overnight at Carlsbad, a beautiful town on the beach, north of San Diego. Check out this site:
We arrived late in the evening, and due to the rain and the need to leave for Lake Elsinore the next day, we didn't stay and take pictures. However, we did get to go visit San Diego for several hours on Friday night. Michael Anthony liked the skyscrapers and the many people on the streets of the Gaslight District. He loved looking at the sail ships in the harbor .
On Saturday afternoon we drove to Lake Elsinore and then drove through a hailstorm on hazardous Hwy 74, which led us to San Juan Capistrano, where we visited the Mission for a second time. Later, we stopped in Irvine, named safest city in USA, and checked out some neighborhoods since we plan on moving there
Hopefully we'll take lots of pictures next time, on our next trip and post them here....

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Whopee - we're going to .... San Diego, tomorrow.

Michael Anthony is excited about our trip to San Diego. It's primarily a job scouting trip for his daddy (Job Fairs for teachers) but also an opportunity to get out of the house, spend a lot of time in the car, and see some far-away places as well.
While his daddy and mommy are worried about how little Michael will behave in the hotel room (Michael is a very fussy sleeper, and he's never slept in a hotel room before), Michael keeps chanting: "Yea, yea, let's go to San Diego, mommy and daddy." Tomorrow we're going to stay at a hotel just outside of San Diego, then, after the first job fair, we'll spend some time in the city, after which we'll go to Lake Elsinore for another job fair. When that is done, we'll check out the lake and look at the town. Lake Elsinore is within commuting distance to Orange County and it also has a lot of new home communities being built at about 1/3 the price of new homes being built in the Irvine/Tustin area. We'll take pictures and post them when we return, sometime late on Saturday.
See you soon...

Monday, March 06, 2006

Welcome to Michael Anthony Sersea's World Via His First Official Online Blog

Michael is about to turn 3 in April. A first generation Romanian-American, Michael Anthony is learning English and Romanian, as well as some basic Spanish, French, and Chinese. Michael's mommy and daddy were both born and raised in Romania, so at the very least, he is expected to learn to communicate fluently in both English and Romanian. The fact that he enjoys being read to in both English and Romanian is encouraging that he'll embrace education and languages later in life. Since he doesn't have any brothers or sisters, nor any cousins that are in close proximity to him, he's always looking forward to making new friends from all over the globe. Would you like to be his friend? Write to him and stay in touch. You'll learn more about him in future blogs.