Monday, March 06, 2006

Welcome to Michael Anthony Sersea's World Via His First Official Online Blog

Michael is about to turn 3 in April. A first generation Romanian-American, Michael Anthony is learning English and Romanian, as well as some basic Spanish, French, and Chinese. Michael's mommy and daddy were both born and raised in Romania, so at the very least, he is expected to learn to communicate fluently in both English and Romanian. The fact that he enjoys being read to in both English and Romanian is encouraging that he'll embrace education and languages later in life. Since he doesn't have any brothers or sisters, nor any cousins that are in close proximity to him, he's always looking forward to making new friends from all over the globe. Would you like to be his friend? Write to him and stay in touch. You'll learn more about him in future blogs.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Hello Michael Anthony! This is a fun place to see what you are up to and what new things you are learning everyday.

You are lucky to have such wonderful parents and it is nice that your dad has set up this little place on the internet for you.

I'll check back soon, so remind your dad to update for you! :o)