Sunday, March 12, 2006

We're Back Home

The round trip was more than 600 miles and Michael Anthony was mostly quite well behaved. He fell asleep amazingly quick at the hotel, which made the prospectives of visiting other towns and sleeping at other hotels a more realistic goal.
We've stayed overnight at Carlsbad, a beautiful town on the beach, north of San Diego. Check out this site:
We arrived late in the evening, and due to the rain and the need to leave for Lake Elsinore the next day, we didn't stay and take pictures. However, we did get to go visit San Diego for several hours on Friday night. Michael Anthony liked the skyscrapers and the many people on the streets of the Gaslight District. He loved looking at the sail ships in the harbor .
On Saturday afternoon we drove to Lake Elsinore and then drove through a hailstorm on hazardous Hwy 74, which led us to San Juan Capistrano, where we visited the Mission for a second time. Later, we stopped in Irvine, named safest city in USA, and checked out some neighborhoods since we plan on moving there
Hopefully we'll take lots of pictures next time, on our next trip and post them here....

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